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At Peaceful Paws Mobile Hospice, LLC, we are here to help your terminally ill pet or beloved larger animal reach the end of his/her lifespan with compassion and dignity. Our goal is to minimize pain and stress, and maximize quality of life in these animals until a natural death, or until the time of euthanasia.  

Hospice and euthanasia services are provided by Dr. Christina Leone, DVM, PhD. Dr. Leone grew up in Morris County, in an animal-loving family that still raises and shows wirehaired dachshunds. She founded Oakwood Animal Hospital, PC, in Oakwood, Georgia in 1995, and grew it into a thriving multi-doctor small animal hospital. After assisting her patients and their owners for many years, she observed how difficult it was for the pets and their families at the end of their lives. She moved back to New Jersey to be closer to her family and started Peaceful Paws to address the needs of seriously ill pets and end-of-life care for them in their own homes.

In April of 2017, Dr. Leone also started practicing at Locktown Veterinary Services in Flemington, NJ ( This was formerly the practice of William A. Reynolds, who has retired. Although she is there Monday through Friday and every other Saturday, she still has time for a few housecall euthanasia services.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact Dr. Leone at (908) 345-9880. Leave a message and Dr. Leone will respond. Please note that calls are not answered immediately. If you have an urgent situation and have not heard from Dr. Leone within 1 hour, please seek care at your local emergency veterinary facility. Most calls are answered within 24 hours.

What is Hospice?

Like human hospice, hospice care for pets focuses on providing care to allow for terminally ill pets to maintain the best comfort level and quality of life possible as the time of death approaches. In veterinary medicine, euthanasia is a humane option, but whether or not this option is chosen is the decision of the pet owner.

While human hospice is often provided for weeks or months, in pets, it may be as little as one day, to allow the family members to say goodbye prior to euthansia, up to a period of weeks, with palliative care being provided to minimize pain and anxiety, and maximize comfort, until death or euthanasia.

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